

The supported templates requires bootstrap3. Forms are based on django-bootstrap3 application, that can be installed with:

pip install django-bootstrap3

This application is used only to render forms. If you don’t want to use it’s default rendering, you can override the form_template.html file as described in the example below.


Templates are organized in different sections, inside groups_manager/bootstrap3 folder.:

- groups_manager.html (extends "base.html")
  | - groups_manager_home.html (menu with links to models lists)
  | - <model>.html (model base, i.e. "member", extended by all model templates)
      | - <model>_list.html
      | - <model>_detail.html
      | - <model>_form.html (includes form_template.html)
      | - <model>_confirm_delete.html

There are different blocks:

  • breadcrumbs: usually displayed on top of the page, with app - model - page links
  • sidebar: menu available for the application and <model> actions (add, edit, etc)
  • content: the main content of the page

To change a template, creates the same structure inside an application loaded after groups_manager in your INSTALLED_APPS. For example, to change form_template.html file, create the folders “groups_manager/bootstrap3/” and put the file “form_template.html” inside.


By default, style is “bootstrap3”: this means that templates are searched inside folder “groups_manager/bootstrap3”. To change this behaviour, edit setting TEMPLATE_STYLE: it will be used in the views:

template_name = 'groups_manager%s/groups_manager.html' % TS